
Looking for some sun. warmth. and fancy a Mediterranean lifestyle? Welcome to Freiburg! Until the founding of the State of Baden-Württemberg on April 25th 1952, Freiburg was the capital of the state of Baden.


“And Freiburg will probably remain the most beautiful tower on earth” is what art historian Jacob Burckhardt said in 1869. Small “streams” (“Bächle”) run through the town. Footsteps echo on the cobblestones. The “capital” of the Black Forest is characterized by its Gothic cathedral.


In the style of Baden? Or maybe in the Austrian style? For more than 400 years, Freiburg belonged to Austria. A tour of the town will make Freiburg’s exciting history come alive.


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Address line :

Kartäuserstr. 151, Freiburg, 79104, Germany